Saturday, June 23, 2012

Youth Entitlement Age vs Seniority

Hello fellow office drones!  In the office world promotions are one of the most important incentives.  Especially now living in the age where many senior employees and management are retiring.  For new grads it is that imaginary ladder they have to climb to get that elusive corner office.  For current/senior office workers it is that, wait for my turn to get into the corner office mentality.  Management do not see the clash of these two different ages of workers.  The new grads of today with their diplomas and degrees feel very entitled to get the promotion because they feel their education gives them that right.  The current/senior office workers also feel very entitled to get the same promotion because they feel the years and experience they have put in gives them that right.  This causes a lot of commotion when a new job posting comes up, the discussion in the office coffee breaks revolve around, who is going to get it.  I have always debated quite valiantly for the new graduates as I felt that most of the senior office workers intentions for the promotions were more about self-interest rather than the interest of the company.  My argument was most senior employees when looking at a promotion are saying in their head, I am going to retire in 5 years, this will improve my retirement package.  While the entitled new grads feel they are just beginning their careers and want to show what their full potential can be.  My co-workers disagreed as this special little thing called seniority exists and is the main factor in promotion decisions.  So though, management is aware the new grad has upside and a different perspective, reality is, due to union rules and seniority that potential can not be explored as the senior workers will always come first.  Is this fair?  Sure it is, is it good for the company?  That's the argument I would like to explore as I continue on in this office life.  If there was something I would urge management and human resource departments all around the world to do is to look at the different age of office workers and its effects in the office.  As it stands today, you do not see synergy or teamwork because senior employees protect their knowledge as they feel threatened by younger colleagues.  The younger workers want to do all they can to move up but are hindered and nonproductive in medial office work and are growing with that mentality of wait for my turn.  The age of the office worker is changing guard and it is about time management address this and make the incentive of promotions go to the most qualified worker, not the one with the most seniority, not the one with the most degrees, but the most qualified worker who will produce and work with the interest of the company, not their own self-interests!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Office-ally Open

Good day to all of you "Office Drones" out there!  I have been contemplating for months on what subject that I could focus in on and be worth writing about online.  I can say my passion is watching the NBA or anything music related but I work in an office more than I think about the NBA or anything music related. Therefore, while listening to the audio book, "CRUSH IT" by Gary Vaynerchuk, while working in my cubicle, my creative juices started to flow and came to an epiphany, the NBA and music related blog world is over saturated but the office life/issues blog world is small enough that when you type office blogs on Google search, only Microsoft help blogs open up.  So this blog is for all of us office drones and I will be talking about office issues, stories, rants, and anything office related.  I will never discuss the places I work as it would most likely be a conflict of interest, everything in this blog will be my personal opinions in the office world that I live in.  I feel it will be helpful to get the issues out there so if managers ever stumble upon my blog they can use it as a means of learning what the office clerk in the cubicle outside the corner office thinks about while working. So welcome to the Alpha Office Drone blog, your weekly stop into the world of the office!